Token Anonymizer header
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Token Anonymizer

David Severwright

Token Anonymizer

This locks tokens to players can't see the name or even that it's a token.
The intended use is for things like statues that are going to come to life or chests that are mimics. If the players can see it's a token then it's hard to avoid inadvertent metagaming.

This can also be used for fake walls over secret doors or if you just want to hide the name of a token from the players.


There's a new "Anonymize" button in the token toolbar. Click it to toggle anonymization on and off.
When anonymization is on, the token's name and outline will be hidden from players, and should be indistinguishable from the background.


  • The code is on GitHub
  • You can post issues there, and stick questions / feature requests in the discussion there.