Pretty Sordid header
Pretty Sordid icon
Pretty Sordid

Seamus Finlayson

Pretty Sordid

Initiative tracking with token icons and a sort button!

Pretty Sordid is an initiative tracker based on Initiative Tracker by Owlbear Rodeo but I've made a few quality of life improvements that the community has been requesting for a while.

These are the major improvements I made with this extension:

  • Add token images to the initiative
  • Add a delete from initiative button to the initiative list
  • Add a sort button so the order doesn't change while you are typing
  • Add hover and focus highlights to the initiative input

How it Works

You can add a character to the initiative by right clicking on it to open the context menu. Then, clicking the Add to Initiative button.


You can remove the character from initiative by clicking the same button or hovering over the token's icon in the initiative list and then clicking the X that appears there. If you're using a touch screen, just tap the image.

To change the initiative order you can change its initiative in the action popover and then click sort.

You can move through the initiative order by clicking the arrow icon in the top of the extension popover.

Feature Requests

I may accept feature requests but - as I have limited time and development plans of my own - being a paid member on Patreon is your best path to getting a feature implemented.


If you need support for this extension you can message me in the Owlbear Rodeo Discord @Seamus or open an issue on GitHub.

If you like using this extension consider supporting me on Patreon where paid members can request features. You can also follow along there as a free member for updates.


The logo uses the image "Butterfly Origami" by Lima Studios, licensed under CC BY 4.0.